After a mesothelioma prognosis was completing for mesothelioma patients, then the a physician will perform a review of a patient's medical history and conduct a physical examination. These tests are used to locate the cancer, identify the size and determine the type of cancer. A biopsy is usually also ordered to test fluid and tissue samples and see if the mesothelioma is benign or malignant.
After mesothelioma prognosis was determined, the next step is to decide the types of mesothelioma treatment options. Mesothelioma treatment that can be completed are chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, and also by using traditional herbal. Yet, mesothelioma patients usually choose a combination of treatments, as it helps the body aggressively fight the cancer and lengthen the patient's life expectancy. Mesothelioma patients are often given only one year to live following diagnosis, although early diagnosis and aggressive treatment may improve the outcome. Besides the three most common types of treatment, there are also experimental treatments such as gene therapy, immunotherapy and photodynamic therapy. However, these options have not been fully researched and approved for use and may only be available through clinical trials. Participation in clinical trials, though sometimes risky, may increase the chance of a cure being discovered.
Because of the cost and burden of mesothelioma patients for the treatment is expensive and make the family of mesothelioma patients got tired, and also the dangers were unknown to many, then companies that manufactured products containing asbestos commonly did not make any efforts to protect workers or even make them aware, so many people are able to seek legal recourse to receive compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering. This is can completed by mesothelioma patients and their family by contact the mesothelioma attorney to help them to get their rights.