Asbestos is a mineral that can be found easily in the world. Asbestos is widely used for building and insulating materials. Chrysotile asbestos-containing material is carcinogenic mineral goods trigger cancer diseases, the mesothelioma cancer. Actually, asbestos is a mineral fiber types included in the class of silica and serpentine (chrysotile which is a magnesium silicate hydroxide with a composition Mg6 (OH)6 (Si4O11) H2O), and amphibole from the rock-forming minerals, including: actinolite, amosite (brown asbestos, cummingtonite, grunnerite), anthophyllite, chrysotile (white asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), tremolite, or a mixture of at least contain one of these minerals.
Asbestos is containing dust that can be inhaled by humans and asbestos dust is also flying particles in the air as often seen in the work environment. Because this asbestos dust has a diameter less than 3um of length 3 times the diameter, so it will be easily inhaled by humans and will caused the cancer disease, such as mesothelioma cancer.
Knowing the negative effects of asbestos for our health, so if you use materials such as asbestos roof, for example, you can minimize by using a ceiling. Then, if you are working in environments that make you have a direct contact with asbestos such as in a factories etc., so it can be anticipated by using a mask, etc. so that dust or particles from asbestos material is not directly inhaled.